Ulysses – Jeanne d'Arc and the Alchemist Knight
Ulysses: Jehanne Darc to Renkin no Kishi


A young knight named Montmorency wants to learn alchemy and discover the Philosopher's Stone's mystery. Most of the young students at the Knights School are sent into battle when the English army invades northern France during the Hundred Years War, as is Montmorency's secret love, who is ostensibly killed during the Battle of Azincourt; after this, everyone takes different paths and ends up becoming enemies when some of their households decide to betray France for England. Montmorency uses a covert alchemical procedure to summon Astaroth, Queen of the Fairies, who offers to instruct him on how to use the stone to transform into an Ulysses, an immortal alchemist with limitless power, in his quest to find a method to put an end to all wars. While journeying through France over the course of the next seven years, Montmorency continues to learn from Astaroth how to become an Ulysses, but due to unanticipated circumstances, he ends up conducting the ritual on a young dying girl named Jeanne, who takes his position as the Ulysses. Jeanne will then become known as Jeanne d'Arc and be given the ability to change the course of the conflict.